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UWA Classics Society
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The UWA Classics Society (ClasSoc) was founded in 2015 to promote interest and participation in Classics and Ancient History at the only university in the state to offer Classics and Ancient History as a major.
Each year, students with a love for Greco-Roman history and the classical languages come together as a group determined to bring the ancient world to life. The society hosts a variety of academic and social events throughout the year, providing tutoring alongside a range of events such as seminars, quiz nights, and toga parties.
While the society is proud to be a siren call to Classics majors, we welcome any student interested in the ancient world, no matter their field of study. From the classicist possessing very strong opinions on interpreting Thucydides, to somebody who just likes mythology, ClasSoc is a brilliant way to meet people and engage with Classics.